Ursula and Ariel in "Poor Unfortunate Souls"

Prince Eric and Sailors in "Fathoms Below"

The Daughters of Triton

Triton and Sebastian speaking about Ariel

King Triton destroys Ariel's Grotto

Ursula checks up on Ariel

Ursula, Ariel and the Poor Unfortunate Souls

Ursula steals Ariel's voice

Ariel lands on the beach with her new legs

Ariel, Scuttle, and Sebastian in "Positoovity"

Prince Eric carries Ariel away to the castle

Ariel takes a bath for the first time

Ariel puts on a dress for the first time

Ariel and Eric enjoy an evening together

Ariel thoroughly exhausted after her first day on land

Ursula, Flotsam, and Jetsam

Ursula, Flotsam, and Jetsam

Prince Eric and Ariel float around in their boat during "Kiss the Girl"

Ursula captures King Triton

Ariel gets her voice back!

Ariel and Prince Eric's wedding

Produced by Parker Arts and Inspire Theatre Company
Directed by Brandon Bill
Choreography by Heather Westenskow
Scenic Design by Michael R Duran
Costume Design by Elijah Coture-Meader
Photos by Pamela Spika